The Children's Upliftment Programme (CUP) together with the member students of the Little Library at Sri Vishuddharamaya temple, Sinha Udagama, Polonaruwa organized and conducted its fifth Child Writer's Project on 6th & 7th August 2016. The Story Book titled “Muhudu Yaluwo”was launched on 24 December 2016. The story is the result of a 2 day workshop.
uhudu Yaluwo is about a friendship between a boy and a octopus who lives under the sea. At the end of the story both of them understood each other’s environments and life styles and live together.
The Chief Guest was Senior Journalist, Mr.Daya Lankapura who gave his support by giving the postface to this book also graced the occasion as the chief Guest.
Members Janaki, Aruni, Sabeer, Roshan, Yohan, Nirmaleen and Pandula also extended their support in many other ways to make this event a success.
CUP Officials Harsha Gomes - Vice President, Nadee Dissanayake – Secretary, Nishantha Perera- Treasurer, Damayanthi Perera – Assistant Secretary and Lakmini Rasnayake - Assistant Treasurer were present at the event.