The concept of “Singithi Pothgula” (little library) was introduced by CUP, in order to improve the reading habits among children. This Little Library is organized by CUP in collaboration with Room to Reed Sri Lanka.The introductory program for the library leaders and members was held at Ihala Yagoda Shaila Bimbaramaya temple by the CUP Team, Ms.N.T.A.Dissanayake, Mr.D.G.B.M.Abeygunawardana and Mr.H.Gomes on the 16th of August 2008.
During this session, the children were given awareness on how to start a library, how to overcome difficulties, what is expected from them as leaders by CUP, how to obtain more marks to be the best library, and how to use the knowledge that they gain through this project. The parents were also participated for this occasion.