The opening of a new children’s library at the Sirima Bo Daham School of the Sri Bhodhirukkaramaya temple, Rathmalana, on 5th October 2008, is another step achieved by the CUP Organization under its all-Island Project to establish Children’s Libraries to enhance the reading habit among children. The Little Library was named as Siri Nanisuru Poth Gula.
A generous donation of books has been made by the Room to Read Organization making the establishment of the Little Library a success. At the opening ceremony Ms.N.T.A.Dissanayake (Director), Mr.Jagath Kariyakarawna (Member), and Mr.Harsha Gomes (Member) of CUP Organization were present. Also, Ms.Iresha Samarasekara, Deputy Principal of Sri Shasthrananda Navodya School was invited as the Guest of Honour and Ms. Chathurika was participated this event as a volunteer.