“Gee Sithuwam” was a competition held weekly by the Children’s Upliftment Program (CUP) Organization for school children with collaboration of “Mihira” Children’s paper during last three months. In this competition children were requested to draw pictures for the songs published in the Mihira Paper. The three most outstanding drawings were selected weekly and a further 30 winners out of around 500 participants were listed for awards at a prize giving.
The prize giving ceremony was held at the S.de S.Jayasisinghe Hall,Dehiwela on 15th November 2008 Commencing 1.45p.m with the Chief guest Mr. I. Ranatunga,President,Bosath Children’s Education Foundation lighting firstly one of the the oil lamps beautifully set in a novel decor,followed in the act by winner-children
Mr.Manjula.Dissanayake, assistant editor,representing the” Mihira”Chidren’s News paper made a valuable speech encouraging children to participate more and more in competitions of this nature and to further develop their talents.
In the course of the prize giving several child artists presented a variety of captivating dance performances choreographed to lyrics composed by Ms. Nadee Dissanayake, adding much colour to the occasion.
Directors of CUP Ms.N.T.A.Dissanayake ,Mr.U.R.Jayaweera Bandara, Mr.S.Ediriwickremasuriya, along with the Members of CUP, Messers Harsha Gomes, Jagath Kariyakarawana, Nalin Rodrigo and Ms.Padma Gunatillake were present.